Nationals Member for Tweed, Geoff Provest, has welcomed advice that the next stage of the $582 million investment in health for Tweed and the Far North Coast has now commenced.
“NSW Health Infrastructure lodged Stage 2 of its State Significant Development (SSD) planning application for the Tweed Valley Hospital with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on Friday 27 September 2019,” Mr Provest said.
Stage 2 SSD seeks consent for the design, construction and operation of the hospital buildings and puts this information on public display for all to see.
Lodgement of the Stage 2 SSD planning application represents over two and a half years of detailed planning and extensive consultation with clinicians, operational staff, community members and local and state government agencies.
“The public exhibition period provides the opportunity for the community to review detailed documentation on the planning for the new hospital and to make submissions in response to the proposal,” Mr Provest said.
“The SSD application and the Environmental Impact Statement will be available to view electronically on the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s major projects website at:
The new hospital will provide the Tweed region with more beds; an expanded emergency department; enhanced medical, surgical and mental health services; expanded outpatient services with more clinics; new interventional cardiology service and a new radiotherapy service as part of integrated cancer care.
The new Tweed Valley Hospital will also mean that more than 5,000 people each year will no longer need to travel outside the region to receive life-saving treatments.
Up to 650 construction workers are expected onsite at the peak of construction activity in 2021/22. The completed hospital will also provide new job opportunities for residents in this region and construction of the hospital will target a workforce of up to 20 per cent apprentices.
“I am very pleased to see this next stage of the planning progress for the Tweed Valley Hospital under way, with the public able now able to see more detailed plans for this much needed infrastructure,” Mr Provest said.
News and updates on the progress of the new hospital are also available on the project’s website