The Tweed community will get access to more bus services for longer periods of the day under a re-elected NSW Liberals and Nationals Government.
Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Andrew Constance said the boost in services was part of the NSW Government’s new regional growth buses program.
“We are serious about improving public transport services and making them even more accessible across rural and regional NSW communities,” Mr Constance said.
“Labor completely neglected rural and regional transport. Since 2011 our Government has delivered 1,462 new rural and regional buses, nearly half are air-conditioned seatbelt equipped buses and we’ll deliver more services in the bush.
“The Tweed community will enjoy over 300 additional weekly bus services, with extended hours and a focus on delivering better connections to local TAFEs, hospitals and better cross-border connections.”
Member for Tweed Geoff Provest welcomed the commitment to improve services for his local community.
“My community will get direct links to between Murwillumbah and Kingscliff TAFEs and the new hospital from new bus routes, extended hours between 5 and 9pm to existing services and better connections to our neighbouring state,” Mr Provest said.
“These improvements to public transport services in the Tweed will help support the local economy and improve access to new population centres in our community.”
Changes include over 160 additional weekly services before 7am and after 6pm. There will also be over 50 new weekly services before 5am and after 9pm.
Other service improvements include:
• Double frequency between Kingscliff and Tweed Heads West, via Tweed Mall, on route 601 on weekdays
• A new route 600 will be introduced to link Banora Point to Tweed Mall and the Qld border
• A new direct route 609 to link Murwillumbah and Kingscliff – 5 trips weekday only
• Additional late afternoon and evening services on routes 600 and 601 on weekdays and Saturdays.
“This Government is building a better public transport network with more than 32,000 weekly bus services added across the state since 2011, including in our regional and rural communities,” Mr Constance said.
“In contrast, when Labor was last in Government they cancelled 1,500 bus services.”
The additional services are expected to be introduced by the end of the year.