Tweed will benefit from a $10,000 Habitat Action Grant that will go towards improving outcomes for native fish in the region.  

Minister for Agriculture Dugald Saunders says the grants fund practical, on-ground rehabilitation works for fish habitats, including managing stock access to waterways, revegetating native plants, reintroducing large woody habitat and bank stabilisation works.

“Every year we receive truly unique and positive applications and the best thing about these grants is that they are ideas conceived and led by locals, both on the coast and inland,” Mr Saunders said.

Member for Tweed Geoff Provest MP said the funding will benefit the environment while also improving recreational fishing.   

“We’re delighted that Tweed Landcare Inc has taken the initiative to apply for this funding that will restore lowland subtropical rainforest along Bilambil Creek.” Mr Provest said.

“This project will benefit each and every one of us living in the Tweed electorate and will have a long-term positive impact on native fish in our waterways.”  

“Recreational fishing is one of our favourite pastimes that is enjoyed by one million NSW residents each year, and we applaud any initiative that enriches this.”    

Habitat Action Grants are funded from the Recreational Fishing Trusts, where all funds raised by the NSW Recreational Fishing Fee are placed.   

“Bilambil Creek Riparian Restoration is one of the 33 successful projects announced in the program and the best part is that fishermen are seeing their fees being put back into their communities” Mr Provest said. 

The next round of the Habitat Action Grants program is officially open for people to come forward and apply.

A total of $850,000 is on offer for the 2022/23 round of projects, with applications open until 23 September 2022.

Since 2008, the Recreational Fishing Trusts have invested over $8 million into the Habitat Action Grants program.  

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