Residents in the Tweed will have the opportunity to learn about consumer rights and responsibilities when the NSW Fair Trading consumer and business roadshow My Place comes to town next week.
Member for Tweed Geoff Provest said free information sessions will be running in Tweed Heads from Monday May 7 to Friday May 11.
“Fair Trading will offer information sessions for landlords, motor repairers and dealers, consumer information, as well as sessions relevant to the NDIS and their carers,” Mr Provest said.
“At the motor dealer and repairer seminar, Fair Trading staff will give a talk on the legislative requirements of licence holders under the Motor Dealer & Repairers Act 2013, Motor Dealers & Repairers Regulation 2014 and the Australian Consumer Law.
“Home builders will have the opportunity to discuss issues relating to renovating their own home with an owner-builder permit, while anyone who is interested in becoming a self-managing landlord can hear about their legal responsibilities.”
My Place program is Fair Trading’s opportunity to connect with communities and provide education on consumer and business matters.
“These events have been really successful in educating consumers of their rights, while helping to raise awareness among traders about their responsibilities under consumer protection laws,” Mr Provest said.
There will be nine information sessions offered over five days, at South Tweed Sports, 4 Minjungbal Drive. Residents are encouraged to register prior to the event, as spaces are limited.
For more information about the program or to register for an event, visit or call 13 32 20.