Member for Tweed Geoff Provest has reminded caravan owners of Tweed electorate that they will soon receive a 40 per cent discount in registering caravans and camper trailers.
“The changes will come into effect from 1 November 2018” Mr Provest said.
“This means that caravan owners of Tweed will potentially save up to $471 off their rego”
For pensioners that have elected to have free registration for a vehicle other than their caravan or camper trailer, they will still be eligible for the 40 per cent discount.
Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said that the motor vehicle tax is part of the cost associated with registering a vehicle in NSW, but eligible caravan owners will now benefit from a reduction.
“Not only will this put money back into hip pockets, it will encourage more people to travel and do business in NSW,” Mr Perrottet said.
Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight Melinda Pavey said the Liberals and Naitonals recognised the need to reduce costs associated with these popular vehicles.
“These are big numbers and huge savings. The change will apply to towed caravans and purpose-built camper trailers weighing up to 4.5 tonnes, putting a saving of up to $471 back into the pockets of hard working families,” Mrs Pavey said.