Local fishos now have the chance to change the face of their favourite fishing spots for the better, with Member for Tweed Geoff Provest today announcing applications for the Habitat Action Grants were now open.
Mr Provest encouraged anglers in the Tweed region to submit their ideas today.
“Tweed and the surrounding area is home to some of the best places in the country to wet a line, and now is the chance to make them even better,” he said.
“The Habitat Action Grants program is always immensely popular with great opportunities to improve local fishing environments.
“Previously we’ve seen the improvement of waterways through revegetation with native plants, the reintroduction of lost woody habitat into rivers and estuaries for fish, and more.
“I encourage all recreational fishing groups, Landcare organisations, high schools and local councils in the Tweed region to take advantage of this fantastic funding opportunity and get their applications in before Friday, 10 December.”
Habitat Action Grants are funded from the Recreational Fishing Trusts, where all funds raised by the NSW Recreational Fishing Fee are placed, and Mr Provest said to apply for this round groups should visit www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/hag.
“The best thing about these grants is they are ideas conceived by and led by locals, for the local area,” he said.
“Even better is that angler can to see their fishing licence fees being put to good use – this is their money being reinvested into projects in the Tweed area.”
Since 2008, the Recreational Fishing Trusts have invested more than $7.5 million into the Habitat Action Grants program throughout NSW. To find out more visit https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/habitat/rehabilitating/ahr-grants-program.