Member for Tweed Geoff Provest is delighted to advise applications for the promised $250 Regional Seniors Travel Card are now open.

“The card is able to be used for fuel, taxis and pre-booked NSW TrainLink Regional services, helping seniors get to where they need to go.”

To be eligible for the Travel Card you must hold a valid Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card issued by either the Department of Human Services or Department of Veterans’ Affairs and live in regional NSW outside Sydney, Newcastle or Wollongong City Council boundaries.

Mr Provest said the card would ease the cost of travel for eligible regional seniors.

“Travel is one of the most significant expenses for residents living in rural and regional NSW, which is why the NSW Nationals in Government committed at the 2019 election to reducing that cost for seniors,” Mr Provest said.

“The NSW Nationals are committed to making it easier and more affordable for seniors to stay connected with family and friends, as well as accessing essential services including medical appointments and shopping centres.

Applications can be made by visiting a Service NSW Service Centre, by calling
13 77 88 or online at

***The regional seniors travel card is provided by Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL 233714. Conditions apply. All seniors who receive the regional seniors travel card would have read and accepted the Product Disclosure Statement and the Terms and Conditions which are available at or at Service NSW Service Centres. The information in this email does not take seniors personal objectives, circumstances or needs into account. Seniors should consider its appropriateness to these factors before acting on it. This information is current as at January 2020.