The NSW Liberals & Nationals Government is investing $145,000 to refine and upgrade local community facilities including “$56,499 will go toward repairs and upgrading the boardwalk and stair infrastructure along the public track at Tweed Coast Reserve.
Minister for Water, Property and Housing Melinda Pavey said the investment is part of the $16.5 million Crown Reserves Improvement Fund to upgrade reserves and facilities on Crown lands in regional communities doing it tough.
“Regional NSW is in the grip of the worst drought on record. It’s important that each of our regional towns have places to come together as a community which is why we are investing in upgrades to these local facilities,” Mrs Pavey said.
“Crown land covers 42 per cent of the state and is designed to be used by the people of NSW and support organisations that are the lifeblood of our communities.
The investment includes:
• $54,384 towards repairs on the eastern end revetment wall at the Jack Evans Boat Harbour to stabilise the area, which is subject to bad erosion.
• $56,499 towards repairs and upgrading the boardwalk and stair infrastructure along the public track at Tweed Coast Reserve which is used to access
Cabarita, Cove and Little Cove beaches.
• $29,010 in controlling pest animals on the Tweed Coast Reserve including wild dogs, foxes, feral cats, rabbits and hares.
• $5,500 towards the ongoing maintenance of Fingal head lighthouse providing a dehumidifier to reduce the impacts of mould both inside and outside
the lighthouse.
Member for Tweed Geoff Provest these investments would improve safety and provide long-term harbour protection including for neighbouring properties.
“Repairs and upgrading the boardwalk and stair infrastructure along the public track will provide continued safe access for residents and visitors,” Mr Provest said.
Investment in animal pest control will protect our local ecology and reduce impacts on native vegetation and wildlife including endangered shorebirds.”