Member for Tweed Geoff Provest MP today encouraged young people in Tweed to get in their applications to join NSW’s first ever Regional Youth Taskforce which will give youth a chance to have their say on local issues.

Mr Provest said the taskforce will be made up of 18 members who will meet regularly and provide direct advice and feedback to NSW Government agencies and Ministers on policy decisions and local action plans regarding youth.

“To the young people living in Tweed, this is your chance to be heard, to voice your opinion on local issues, to represent your mates and peers and to help make decisions that will drive change in your own community,” Mr Provest said.

“Homelessness and mental health are just some of the challenges in our area and will be working to address these with the help of the Taskforce.

“We know each region has different challenges, that’s why we are seeking an even representation of two members from each of the nine NSW regions – if you are aged 12 to 24 and have an idea for youth in our community, this is a great time to share it.”

Minister for Regional Youth Bronnie Taylor said work is underway to address issues facing young people in regional NSW through multiple initiatives including the $50 million announced for regional youth through the Stronger Country Communities Fund.

“I am pleased to say the NSW Government has established the first ever Office for Regional Youth and we will soon release the State’s first Regional Youth Strategy to address challenges in regional NSW,” Mrs Taylor said.

“The young people of today will become the leaders of tomorrow which is why the NSW Government wants to ensure our regional youth are front and centre throughout the decision-making process.”

Travel costs and accommodation will be covered for Regional Youth Taskforce members travelling across NSW for meetings.

To find out more or submit an application visit Applications are open until 11:59pm 14 July 2019.