Free tutoring for all Tweed students in 2021

Tweed parents whose children need a little extra help with schoolwork will now have access to free tutoring in 2021, thanks to a new $337 million Nationals in NSW Government investment, according to Tweed Nationals MP Geoff Provest. “Schooling in the Tweed has...

Free preschool for families

Working families and young children in Tweed will benefit from a year of free preschool with the NSW Government announcing funding for community preschools in 2021. This $120 million commitment will help more than 44,000 three to five year olds attending community...

Skilling for recovery fee-free training for Tweed community

Hundreds of fee-free training courses are now available for school leavers, young people and job seekers, as part of the NSW Government’s Skilling for Recovery initiative. Member for Tweed Geoff Provest said the courses come from the $320 million committed to...

Tweed welcomes eight new fire fighters

The Tweed is set to be better protected against fires this summer with the arrival of eight new firefighters fresh from the latest graduation at Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Emergency Services Academy at Orchard Hills in Western Sydney, according to Tweed Nationals MP...

Golfers in Tweed are set to tee off

Tweed will soon benefit from a tourism boost with the regional qualifying tournament for the NSW Golf Open set to be held in Tweed Heads to boost regional economies recovering from drought, bushfires and COVID-19. Member for Tweed Geoff Provest MP today announced the...

Another day, another scare campaign from ‘do nothing’ Elliot

Claims by Richmond Labor MP Justine Elliot that the NSW Government is cutting funding to Murwillumbah schools are malicious and just plain wrong, according to Tweed Nationals MP Geoff Provest. "The reforms to education in Murwillumbah is a NSW Government investment of...

Strict new laws to regulate Short-term rentals

Short-term rental accommodation hosts, guests, letting agents and online booking platform operators will soon be subject to strict new laws with a mandatory Code of Conduct for the industry to begin in December. Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation Kevin...

Debunking Labors lies – again!!

The Member for Richmond has again demonstrated her total ignorance of land management and her lack of support for this region’s farmers. I was pleased to vote on legislation that will not only protect our farmers but will also continue to protect koalas and...

Big week for Tweed’s 579 HSC students

It is a huge week for the 579 Tweed teenagers who start sitting HSC written exams on Tuesday and Tweed Nationals MP Geoff Provest said the community should be especially proud of them following the most disruptive academic year ever. "We don't yet know the full mental...


I’m 100% for the communities of the Tweed and always looking to hear from you about what you believe should be top of my agenda.

Drop me a line below and I’ll be in touch.

Talk soon,

Geoff Provest MP
Member for Tweed