Call to local artists to feature at new Tweed Valley Hospital

Local artists are invited to take part in the arts and culture program for the new Tweed Valley Hospital to enhance patient, visitor, staff and carer experiences.   Member for Tweed Geoff Provest said local artists are encouraged to submit Expressions of Interest to...

Tweed earns lockdown lift, ball back in QLD court

The NSW Government’s decision to end the Tweed lockdown after just one week is a recognition of locals doing all the right things to stop the spread, Tweed Nationals MP Geoff Provest said. “While a single case has led to an outbreak elsewhere, it didn’t happen here...

More funding to fix roads in Tweed

Safer journeys are on the way across Tweed, with two road projects rolling out under the latest round of the Fixing Local Roads Program to improve journeys for regional communities, farmers and freight.    Member for Tweed Geoff Provest said the local projects are...

Four shark drones in world’s largest fleet soon deploying to Tweed

NSW will soon have the world’s largest shark management program and the Nationals in NSW Government are bringing a substantial part of those resources and technology to protect Tweed beaches, Tweed Nationals MP Geoff Provest has announced. “With COVID vaccination our...

Construction has begun for major upgrade at Kingscliff High School

The Tweed community can look forward to a major upgrade at Kingscliff High School, with construction work now underway. The upgrade at Kingscliff High School includes new and refurbished learning spaces, a new library, a new creative and performing arts building, new...

Tweed welcomes return of the border bubble

The reestablishment of the special border zone between Queensland and 12  NSW local government areas including the Tweed is a big win for local families, patients, children and businesses, according to Tweed Nationals MP Geoff Provest. “Thank you to everyone in the...

18 extra police for Tweed Region

18 additional police positions have been allocated to the Northern Region as part of the NSW Government’s commitment to invest in 1500 new police over four years. Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said 115 of the 250 new positions would join...

Millions available in sports grants

The Tweed sports infrastructure investment boom is continuing following the opening of Round 2 of the Regional Sport Facility Fund. The Fund provides grants for new and upgraded sports facilities in regional NSW, Lord Howe Island and Far West NSW. Member for Tweed...


How is it possible that yesterday a plane full of NRL players, their families and associates, were allowed to seamlessly cross the border into Queensland, flying from Sydney to Brisbane, landing and disembarking without a hitch. Yet residents living on the border are...


I’m 100% for the communities of the Tweed and always looking to hear from you about what you believe should be top of my agenda.

Drop me a line below and I’ll be in touch.

Talk soon,

Geoff Provest MP
Member for Tweed