The redevelopment of Kingscliff TAFE has received a financial boost with funds secured to complete the project, Member for Tweed Geoff Provest said today. 

“The previous NSW Liberal/Nationals Government provided $32 million for the campus’ biggest ever upgrade and I’m pleased the Minns Labor Government has continued the commitment to this important project,” Mr Provest said. 

“The upgrade is ensuring Kingscliff TAFE has state-of-the-art infrastructure for local training in areas such as nursing, mental health, aviation and electro-technology. 

“I visited the campus last month and was delighted to see the progress of the upgrade which will make a huge difference to students. 

“Investment in public training facilities is vital and students from throughout the Tweed rely on the Kingscliff TAFE campus to enhance their skills, knowledge and training. 

“The key to getting a great job is having access to the best training and facilities and I’m pleased to see this funding come through this financial year for Kingscliff TAFE.”