Member for Tweed, Geoff Provest has welcomed a further milestone in the Tweed Valley Hospital planning process, with the lodgement today of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Stage 1 State Significant Development (SSD) planning application.

The EIS is the first of two SSD planning submissions for the project, and seeks an overall approval for the hospital concept and consent to commence early and enabling works on the site.

“The submission of the first EIS marks a significant milestone in the delivery of the brand-new state-of-the-art facility for the people of the Tweed-Byron region,” Mr Provest said.

“The public exhibition of the EIS is the community’s opportunity to have their say on the design concept and early works for the new hospital and follows on from the extensive community engagement process run to date.

“The release of the EIS in two stages is a common approach for major projects and will enable delivery of the Tweed Valley Hospital on program, to meet the critical need for more health services in the region. This will be achieved by preparing the site for construction whilst the building design is being finalised.”

A second EIS application covering the detailed design, construction and commissioning of the hospital will follow the same process and is planned for submission in 2019 following determination of the Stage 1 application and completion of schematic design.

The EIS is a comprehensive and mostly technical document that responds to the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements that have been issued for the Tweed Valley Hospital project by the Department of Planning and Environment.

Following the lodgment of the Stage 1 EIS submission today, the Department of Planning and Environment will commence the process of advertising the dates for the public exhibition of the EIS, placing the document on public exhibition and inviting community feedback.

The formal public exhibition period is expected to run until December 2018 and this is the opportunity for the community to provide their feedback on the EIS. The document will be available on the Department of Planning and Environment website, as well as in hard copy at the Tweed Shire Council Chambers, Tweed Library, Kingscliff Library, and the Department of Planning and Environment’s regional and Sydney offices.

Throughout the public exhibition period, the project team will be running pop-up information booths across the region, as well as offering drop-in sessions at the project office for those wanting further information. Details will be published on the project website at

Detailed briefing sessions have also been scheduled for members of the project’s Community Reference Panel to be well informed and share information with their friends, family and colleagues.

“Already thousands of health professionals, consumers, staff and broader community members have helped shape the planning and design of this brand-new hospital, and we are committed to continuing that conversation all the way through the delivery process,” Mr Provest said.

“When construction is fully underway, the Tweed Valley Hospital is expected to deliver around 770 full-time equivalent jobs per construction year and additional clinical and health support roles at the hospital when it opens.

“It is anticipated that the hospital will generate $425 million in total value added for the region once it is completed.

“This is a significant investment by the NSW Government in the future of our region.”

The submission of the EIS follows extensive consultation to date with the community and other stakeholders including more than 28 pop-up sessions, eight project drop in sessions, an online survey, two community forums, Community Reference Panel meetings, regular briefings and almost 10,000 people visiting the project website. More than 1,000 staff and health experts have been engaged through regular staff forums, project user group meetings and other workshops.

The NSW Government’s $582 million investment in the Tweed-Byron region will deliver the brand new, state-of-the-art Tweed Valley Hospital on a greenfield site, as well as interim upgrades at existing Tweed Hospital to help meet community needs until services transfer to the new hospital.

Early and enabling works will commence on the hospital site at 771 Cudgen Road, opposite Kingscliff TAFE, following determination of the Stage 1 SSD application, with the new hospital targeting completion in 2022 and opening in 2023.

Please visit the website for all the latest project news and information: