Member for Tweed Geoff Provest has welcomed the appointment of a community panel to help shape the vision for the new $582 million Tweed Valley Hospital.

Rebecca Wark, Executive Director, Rural & Regional for Health Infrastructure, said the Consumer and Community Reference Panel consists of about 50 community members and will play an important role in the planning and design of the regional referral hospital.

“Establishing the Panel is a significant milestone, and we are excited to see the energy and passion of the members during recent orientation sessions and a master planning workshop,” Ms Wark said.

“Panel members will provide valuable input throughout the planning and design stages by representing the views of patients, carers and the local community, and we look forward to their contribution.”

The Tweed Shire Council Reference Group and the Project User Groups (clinicians and staff) are also central to the ongoing consultation program involving key stakeholders.

Panel member Lyn McInerney said she enjoyed participating in the master planning workshop for the new hospital, to be located on Cudgen Road, opposite Kingscliff TAFE.

“I enjoyed having the opportunity to learn about and contribute to the development of the hospital. I’m looking forward to sharing this information with other people,” Ms McInerney said.

Fellow Panel member Dot Holdom added: “Consideration of community is the most important part of building a hospital. I can now see the vision for the hospital and I’m excited.”

Lynne Weir, A/Chief Executive, Northern NSW Local Health District, said Panel members would be invited to participate in a range of ongoing workshops, focus groups and meetings, and contributing to both the clinical and physical design of the new hospital.

“The real-life and local experience that Panel members bring to the planning and design of the new hospital will be invaluable in delivering a hospital that best meets the needs of the Tweed-Byron region,” Ms Weir said.

Applications for membership on the Panel will remain open throughout the project.

Please visit the project website for application forms, as well as all the latest project information, at