Sporting groups in Tweed are encouraged to apply for a grant towards potentially life-saving equipment in the NSW Government’s Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program.

Member for Tweed, Geoff Provest said it is vital facilities are equipped to respond to life-threatening situations.

“Sport and recreation are the lifeblood of this area,” Mr Provest said. “With more and more people remaining active at an older age, early access to a defibrillator could mean the difference between life and death in the event of a cardiac arrest.

“That’s why it’s crucial our clubs and councils are equipped to respond to these life-threatening emergencies.”

Acting Minister for Sport Geoff Lee said up to $1 million was available to sporting clubs and councils this year.

“In NSW, up to 7,000 people experience an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest each year,” Mr Lee said.

“Medical experts say the first eight minutes following a cardiac arrest are critical and that early access to CPR and a defibrillator is essential to increasing a patient’s likelihood of survival.

“The NSW Government is encouraging sports clubs and councils to take advantage of this life-saving program.”

The program is open from 3 September 2020 until 12 April 2021.

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