18 additional police positions have been allocated to the Northern Region as part of the NSW Government’s commitment to invest in 1500 new police over four years.
Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said 115 of the 250 new positions would join commands in regional and metropolitan areas, while other positions would be allocated to specialist commands.
“Specialist commands such as the Raptor Squad will benefit from 20 additional officers to target organised crime, while the Criminal Groups Squad, and Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad, will both benefit from 10 extra positions,” Mr Elliott said.
The NSW Government announced it was investing $583 million to introduce 1500 extra police over four years to enhance community safety across NSW. These 250 positions represent the third allocation.
Member for Tweed Geoff Provest welcomed the new police officers to the region.
“Some of the Force’s finest officers will be joining the police force during a time when the community has relied heavily on their local police for many months,” Mr Provest said.
“The additional positions will make a real difference to the NSW Police Force and give them a greater capability to keep our community, and our State, safe.
“On behalf of the Tweed community, I am pleased to be able to welcome our new police officers,” Mr Provest said.